DAILY MAIL: Gender Dysphoria Diagnoses Among Children Have Spiked 133% Since 2019

by | Jun 13, 2024 | In The News

Luke Andrews of the Daily Mail reports on a drastic increase in gender dysphoria diagnoses among children and teenagers, citing a 133% rise in insurance claims for gender identity care from 2019 to 2023. This surge in diagnoses is part of a broader increase in mental health issues among youth. Andrews states in the article:

“Analysts at LexisNexis Risk Solutions — which has a dataset of more than 300 million patients — found the number of insurance claims for gender identity care among under-18s spiked 133 percent from 2019 to 2023. It is part of a wider sharp increase in mental health issues among children. Claims for care relating to eating disorders surged 108 percent in the same time, while anxiety-related claims rose 61 percent. Overall, the report found that claims for any kind of mental health care surged 83 percent among under-18s over the period studied.”

Andrews notes that some experts are attributing the rise in gender dysphoria cases to greater acceptance and more willingness to seek treatment. However, there is growing evidence that children are being significantly influenced by social trends and online interactions, especially during the COVID pandemic. The report by LexisNexis, an Atlanta-based data company, tracks billions of claims made in the U.S. each year. Andrews adds in his article:

“Much of the rise was also recorded during the Covid pandemic, with commentators suggesting that isolation due to lockdowns and increased online social interaction could have led to introspection or doubt among children about their gender identity.”

This underscores the need to remain vigilant online to protect our children, who are particularly vulnerable to this new social contagion. As they navigate formative years, the influence of social trends and online interactions can have profound impacts on their mental health. Read the story here.

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