Year: 2014

Time to Pray

  “May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6, ESV Prayer is at the very...

Killing Sexual Exploitation at its Root

"Live and let live" is a simple cop out that people use to excuse things like pornography and strip clubs. Yet we all love to get outraged about sex trafficking. Well the truth is, if we want to end sex trafficking, we need to cut it out at its root. Groundswell from...

Voter Registration Weekends, Step #3

Promote your drive! Check out to download or order free resources to promote your voter registration drive!   Now Available: Text to Register to Vote CAP's new "Text to Register to Vote" tool is available to anyone who wants to register to vote....

Charles Krauthammer on Mozilla

Earlier this month, Dr. Charles Krauthammer spoke on Brendan Eich’s resignation from Mozilla on Special Report with Bret Baier. In his powerful statement, Krauthammer says this is an example of “the culture of the left…destroying personally and marginalizing,” and...

Voter Registration Weekends, Step #2!

Order/Download FREE Resources Check out to download or order free resources to conduct your voter registration drive! At, you can: *Register to vote. *Order a FREE Voter Registration Kit. *Download voter registration and materials to...

Voter Registration Weekends, Step #1!

Mark Your Calendar! Elections have a tremendous impact on the future of our state. They are your opportunity to ensure your values are represented and voice is heard! That's why it's so critical to be registered to vote. The official Voter Registration Weekend dates...

Pro-life Progress

Great news. Starting today and thanks to a Federal District Court seeing through a last ditch effort by Planned Parenthood to stop it, several common sense health and safety standards are now in effect that further protect women and preborn children from the dangerous...


One thing that became very clear during the SB 1062 saga is that religious freedom cannot be taken for granted. The veto of this important bill is a wake up call not just to Arizonans but to all Americans who believe the government should not be able to force you to...

Planned Parenthood and the Tempe School District

Parents always have the right to protect their children from exposure to sexual materials in school. It's important for families to be vigilant, especially when their school district is choosing curriculum. On January 7, a Planned Parenthood representative presented...