Court’s Ruling Not the Last Word on Abortion Law A Statement from Center for Arizona Policy President, Cathi Herrod, Esq. The fight to protect unborn life and women from the harms of abortion does not end with an Arizona Court of Appeals ruling. The three-judge...
Year: 2022
Don’t Miss This: Onward For God’s Glory! From Our Leader
A quick editorial note: Cathi is taking some much-needed time with her family, but she sent along some quick but poignant thoughts to share with you on this Friday for our final 5 Minutes for Families for 2022. On behalf of the Center for Arizona Policy (CAP)...
Caminata de Oración en el Capitolio de Arizona
Y esta es la confianza que tenemos en él, que si pedimos alguna cosa conforme a su voluntad, él nos oye 1 Juan 5:14 Te invitamos a que nos acompañes a nuestra caminata anual de oración en el Capitolio de Arizona el lunes 9 de enero del 2023 donde tendremos la...
En espera del fallo de la Corte
Esperamos el fallo sobre si un panel de la corte de apelaciones revocará la orden judicial que impide que se aplique la prohibición del aborto en Arizona. El panel de tres jueces escuchó los argumentos a fines de la semana pasada y puede dar su fallo en cualquier...
La Libertad Religiosa ante la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos
Esta semana se espera que la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos apruebe la llamada "Ley de Respeto por el Matrimonio" y la envíe al escritorio del presidente Biden para que reciba su firma. La semana pasada el Senado aprobó con una votación de 61 a favor...
So Much for “Decent and Honorable”
When the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide in Obergefell in 2015, Justice Kennedy wrote for the majority recognizing that people may object based on “decent and honorable religious or philosophical” beliefs. Just seven years later, another...
Giving Honor
The Bible tells us several times to honor those to whom honor is due. See Romans 12:10, 13:7; 1 Peter 2:17. Dictionaries define honor as having high respect, great esteem, and recognition. Arizonans have been governed by three leaders to whom I give honor this day:...
The Same Mission – A NEW Name!
Greetings from the Church Ambassador Network of Arizona! A new month brings a new name to our shepherd-to-shepherd initiative. Why? A few reasons. Allow me to explain. Alignment. Our national partners are called the Church Ambassador Network (CAN) in the majority of...
The Dangers of Redefining Marriage
Marriage in America will not be the same after President Biden puts his signature on the oxymoronic “Respect for Marriage Act.” Respecting marriage means honoring the God-ordained union of one man and one woman, not what powerful activists and politicians decide it is...
El peligro de redefinir el matrimonio
El significado de la palabra matrimonio no será el mismo después de que el presidente Biden ponga su firma en la descaradamente llamada "Ley de respeto al matrimonio". Respetar el matrimonio significa honrar la unión ordenada por Dios de un hombre y una mujer, y esto...