Month: June 2023

Government Sanctioned Smut

Chances are you saw or at least heard about the giant “pride” party on the White House lawn last weekend. This was not your average rainbow virtue signal by corporations lobbying for a higher Corporate Equity Index (CEI) score. This was the people’s house in...

Algo de lo que podemos estar orgullosos

  Si prendes la televisión, navegas en las redes sociales, buscas en Internet, vas de compras o haces casi cualquier cosa fuera de tu casa durante el mes de junio, puedes ser testigo del orgullo que existe por toda la inmoralidad. Estamos siendo constantemente...

ESA’s Save Arizona Money

ESA’s Save Arizona Money

In a recent op-ed published in The Wall Street Journal entitled “School Choice Saves Arizona Money,” the authors Jason Bedrick and Corey DeAngelis accurately highlight three essential points about the Arizona Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program: ESAs save...

Something to be Proud Of

If you watch TV, view social media, search the internet, shop, or pretty much do anything outside your home in the month of June, you have witnessed the pride of immorality. The constant barrage of rainbows, drag queens, and LGBTQ messages target consumers and...

Gov. Hobbs Fails to Protect Children

Governor Hobbs had a perfect opportunity to do what she had promised: to protect children from harm. But the Governor vetoed a bill today that would have protected girls’ privacy and safety on school campus while also accommodating students struggling with their...

La Ruleta del Arcoíris

  Hoy las corporaciones arriesgan miles de millones de dólares tratando de encontrar el balance entre servir a los clientes y complacer al movimiento LGBTQ. ¿pero hasta dónde llega el límite? ¿Drag Queens bailando en los anuncios de televisión, hombres modelando...

Rainbow Roulette

Corporations pandering to the LGBTQ lobby risk billions of dollars trying to find the line between serving customers and serving an agenda. Where do you draw the line? At dancing drag queens in TV ads, males boldly modeling female bathing suits, “tuck-friendly”...