ARIZONA DAILY INDEPENDENT: Peoria Unified School District Sued By Rooks For Censoring Scripture Reading At Meetings

by | Sep 29, 2023 | In The News

According to an article in the Arizona Daily Independent, the Peoria Unified School District is now in the hot seat, hit with a federal lawsuit championed by the First Liberty Institute on behalf of Heather Rooks. From the start of the dedicated school board member’s term in January 2023, Rooks openly embraced her freedom of speech, beginning her remarks with brief biblical scriptures during “Board comments.” Yet, bowing to pressure from anti-religious factions like the Freedom From Religion Foundation, the school board chairman muzzled Rooks in August, telling her to stop her scripture quotations.

“Heather takes her responsibilities serving the parents and students in her community seriously, and quotes Bible verses as a source of courage and strength in performing those duties,” said former Arizona Supreme Court justice, Andy Gould, now Senior Counsel at First Liberty. “Like so many dedicated public leaders throughout our history, Heather most certainly can use inspirational quotes from religious, historical, and philosophical sources and figures as a source of personal inspiration, as well and encouragement to the community at-large.”

Read the full story HERE.

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