AZ FREE NEWS: Dad Wears Revealing Outfit To Criticize School District’s New Risque Dress Code

by | Oct 3, 2023 | In The News

In a story published in AZ Free News by Corinne Murdock, the Higley Unified School District (HUSD), in a divisive move, had relaxed its dress code to permit students to wear attire previously deemed immodest, drawing criticism from concerned parents. Murdock wrote:

The district’s new dress code removed previous policy language prohibiting attire which “immodestly exposes the chest, abdomen, midriff, genital area, or buttocks.” The new policy prohibits exposure of undergarments or “undergarment areas” in relation to exposure.

A father from the district, Ira Latham, dissented by donning an outfit considered suitable for the classroom under the new policy:

One father, Ira Latham, wore a black sports bra with spaghetti straps as an “object lesson,” or visual example, of permitted attire under the new dress code as a criticism of the district’s judgment. Latham said that anyone who took issue with his attire for a board meeting should question among themselves whether it was appropriate for a classroom. Members of the audience appeared amused or visibly uncomfortable with the display.

Read the full story HERE.

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