SCOTUS Protects Schoolgirls, For Now

Parents look for alternatives to government run education for many reasons, with wokeness among the top complaints. Inviting boys into girls’ locker rooms, showers, restrooms, and sports has to be at least tied with inappropriate sexual books in libraries and curriculum.

In the battle for control of children, parents scored big this past week, at least temporarily. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the Biden Administration’s Department of Education, issuing a temporary injunction to several states challenging the administration’s new Title IX rule to allow boys and men into girls’ and women’s private spaces.

Congress passed Title IX 1972 to ensure girls and women have equal access to sports in school. The Biden Administration redefined the word “sex” to include gender identity, effectively opening girls’ private spaces to boys who say they are girls. The Administration first said it doesn’t apply to sports, but then argued in court that it does. This continues a nonsensical and dangerous trend pitting bigger and stronger boys and men against girls and women in school sports. And if you watched the Olympics boxing matches, you know the inevitable results.

Arizona is not among the 26 states involved in the lawsuit and thereby protected from the new rule. However, Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne did counsel schools to consult attorneys and consider not following the new Education Department rule until the courts have finished speaking.

The letter prompted anti-educational freedom activist Beth Lewis of “Save Our Schools” to attack Horne and three women on social media for speaking out in favor of protecting schoolgirls and women. Horne shot back,

“Beth Lewis mocked three grandmothers who visited with me last week and posted on X, asking, ‘Why do Tom Horne and these grandmas care who my kids are sharing a bathroom with?’ Lewis’ position is astonishingly reckless toward the safety of vulnerable school children,” said Horne. “I can assure her that there are countless parents and grandparents who are justifiably concerned about this because of the serious danger it poses to girls.”

The Supreme Court’s ruling means 26 states are under the old Title IX rules, while 24 states are under the new rules that allow boys to compete on girls’ sports teams and share locker rooms. The 26 states still protecting girls and women were part of a multi-state challenge filed by the states’ attorneys general. Again, Arizona’s AG Kris Mayes did not join the challenge to the new rule. Read more and see a map of the states involved here.

As that litigation continues, so does the battle over so-called sex-change surgeries, especially for minors. The most recent healthcare worker to blow the whistle on gender-related surgeries for minors just lost her job. Texas Children’s Hospital apparently fired Vanessa Sivadge after she went public with the hospital’s alleged lawbreaking. After the firing, Sivadge posted on social media, “No regrets.”

Doctor Eithan Haim blew the whistle on the same hospital for allegedly secretly performing attempted gender-transition procedures on children. That prompted the U.S. Attorney’s Office to indict Haim for accessing the patients’ records in what he is convinced is a “political investigation.”

More relevant good news as the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) declined to endorse so-called “gender-transitions” for minors. ASPS represents 92% of all board-certified plastic surgeons in the U.S. and stands among only a few medical associations pushing back on the ideological move to “transition” children.

In Arizona, gender-related surgeries on minors are illegal, but puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are still allowed. This, after the drugs were gutted from a CAP-supported law designed to protect children from all “sex-change” procedures. The CAP measure was one vote short of passage, showing, again, that elections matter.


  • Read here about the AZ Supreme Court ruling the term “unborn human being” can be used in the voter pamphlet description of Prop 139.
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