Today marks the close of a special chapter in my life. If you haven’t heard the news, my season of life at Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) has come to a close. On Monday, Peter Gentala will begin his tenure as CAP President. Read more here.
I couldn’t be more thrilled for Peter to take the helm at CAP. Please join me in praying for Peter and the team as CAP moves forward to meet the challenges and opportunities to promote and defend the sanctity of human life, marriage and family, parental rights, educational freedom, and religious freedom.
As I move on to whatever God has for me next, I want to take a few minutes to share with you some reflections on my 28 years at CAP.
First, Scripture verses have sustained me over and over again. For me, being at CAP always has been a calling. It’s been critical that all serving at CAP believe and know that God has called them to this place at this moment in time. I’ve had the joy of knowing I was serving where God would have me. I don’t know how else to do this type of work other than to know that it’s a calling.
I’ve endeavored to keep my focus on this as being God’s work, not mine. That I’m simply an ambassador for Christ, a vessel to be used by Him.
The Scriptures…
- “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory belongs to the Lord.” Proverbs 21:31. God is sovereign. We’re to be obedient to His calling but trust Him for the results.
- “I would have despaired had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Psalm 27:13. In the midst of any and all trials, we know we will still see the goodness of the Lord.
- “Do not grow weary in well doing …”. Galatians 6:9. Keep our focus on what God would call us to and one won’t grow weary.
- “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” Colossians 3:23. Again, the calling is from the Lord, not from man.
- “Make the most of every opportunity for the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:16.
Second, three words have been key to my leadership.
- Courage — may we all have the courage to stand in these days. I often think of people like Jack Phillips, the Colorado baker, and Barronelle Stutzman, the Washington state florist. Both had the courage to stand up for their beliefs in the face of significant persecution. They had the courage to choose their faith over their livelihood. They’ve shown what it means to stand for Christ today. To me, that means that we have the courage to stand for what’s right without regard to public opinion or political pressure. It means knowing when to stand firm against the so-called popular cultural trends or beliefs.
- Strategy — defined as “a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.” Our thinking must be strategic. We do not approach our mission by “the seat of the pants.” No, we pray and think through how to advocate for those policy issues we hold dear.
- Stewardship – As my friend John Stonestreet says, we are to steward, to take care of God’s world. All Christians are to be stewards, engaging in the culture and every facet of life. Through my years at CAP, I’ve taken stewardship very seriously. That I have been accountable to God and to our ministry friends for how the financial resources are used that so many of you have given to this work. That I’m accountable for how we conduct ourselves in the public square.
Many decades ago, A.W. Tozer wrote This World: Playground or Battleground. Tozer challenges the reader to consider whether one sees life as a battleground or playground. He posits that Christians are frolicking through life as though it were a playground. Yet, according to Tozer this world is a battleground, and we should live our lives accordingly.
It’s why we hope and pray that our legacy to future generations would be that we stood firm for the lives of unborn children and their mothers; for parents’ rights to oversee the rearing of their children; for the freedom to freely live out our beliefs without government interference. We didn’t view this life as a playground. Rather, we stand firm and understand and face the battles.
Many have stood with me throughout my years at CAP. Your prayers, support, and encouragement to me personally and to our team have been a blessing and gift.
By God’s grace and provision, this year marks the 30th anniversary for CAP. Join with me in praying for Peter and the team as he leads CAP into the future. It’s been my privilege and blessing to be at CAP for 28 of those 30 years.
To God be the Glory for what He has done and will continue to do!
- Read here how California’s nine-year legal battle against a pro-life journalist ended in total defeat.
- Read here how the Trump administration is making religious freedom a top priority at home and abroad
- See how President Trump is taking action to protect women’s sports—and how these brave former college swimmers are fighting backagainst the institutions that failed them.
- See how a Peoria school board member is fighting to keep Scripture in meetings.