Preparing for Victory in 2020: Congresswoman Lesko and Congressman Biggs Preparing for Victory in 2020: Congresswoman Lesko and Congressman Biggs 1. How would you rate the program, including the agenda, and all of our speakers?* 5= Excellent 4= Very Good 3= Good 2= Fair 1= Poor 2. How would you rate the Phoenix Country Club as the venue? This includes the location, parking, food, and staff.* 5= Excellent 4= Very Good 3= Good 2= Fair 1= Poor 3. How would you rate the date and time of the event for your schedule, considering the date, the week day, and the time frame?* 5= Excellent 4= Very Good 3= Good 2= Fair 1= Poor 4. How would you rate the event overall?* 5= Excellent 4= Very Good 3= Good 2= Fair 1= Poor 5. Please share additional comments, questions, or suggestions below.6. Who would you like to see as speakers at future CAP Action events? Δ