Engage Arizona: Public Policy for Daily Life · The Ballot Box: Where Faith and Culture Collide We hear a lot about the "Evangelical vote" during an election year. But characterizing this group of voters is not that simple, according to George Barna, the founder of The...
CAP Admin

Weep. Mourn. Pray. Act.
“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8, ESV No need for me to recite the tragedies of the last week in America. Nor the last few months of a...
The Big Change
This will be the last Arizona Pastors’ Bulletin you will receive from Center for Arizona Policy (CAP). Before I share the “big change,” I have a brief update on COVID-19 and your church. Gov. Ducey will convene a special session of the Arizona Legislature sometime in...
What happens when you change your mind? The facts about abortion pill rescue.
Engage Arizona: Public Policy for Daily Life · What happens when you change your mind? The facts about abortion pill rescue. Jor-El Godsey leads the world’s largest leadership supply line for the pregnancy help movement by providing accurate information, training, and...
The CDC, Zoom Fatigue, & More
What a week. Many of you are gearing up to re-open for in-person gatherings - whether that be for worship services, small groups, prayer, or some combination thereof. However, for some of you, re-assimilation as a congregation is still weeks, or even months away. In...
Arizona’s Elections and the Pandemic Factor
A Pandemic can apparently shut down life as we know it, and throw our economy into a tail spin, but one thing it won't stop: The 2020 election. In fact, elections feed off of chaos. As a key battleground state, Arizona's elections were shaping up to be quite volatile...
The Wide Spectrum of Mothering
Using Our Freedom Wisely
Using our freedom wisely. As we look toward the eventual reopening of Arizona’s retail, dining, elective surgery, and more, no doubt your minds and hearts have already been thinking and planning ahead toward our congregations meeting together again. At the Arizona...
Facts, Feelings, and Fighting the Virus with Ben Shapiro
Engage Arizona: Public Policy for Daily Life · Facts, Feelings, and Fighting the Virus with Ben Shapiro
A Partnership Story
Last week, we told you we would share with you a story of how the partnership between pastors and elected officials is working in other states. I reached out to my friend Greg Baker at the FAMiLY LEADER in Iowa, who shares about the former Chief Justice of the Iowa...