As the Thanksgiving season approaches, our hearts turn to the countless ways God’s faithfulness blesses us, filling us with gratitude for His unwavering grace. This year, I find my heart particularly full. I am deeply thankful for the dedicated team here at Center for...
Peter Garbow
Prop 139 Proponents Celebrate: Arizona Mourns
Today, Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs “celebrates” the passage of Proposition 139 to amend the Arizona Constitution to enshrine a constitutional, fundamental right to an abortion. It is not a time to celebrate. It is a time to mourn the legal taking of unborn children’s...
Now What?
Yes, we grieve. See my statement on the devastating passage of Prop 139 here. But we do not grow weary in the well doing of standing in defense of the lives of unborn children and the health of their mothers. Yet, as I said, we don’t give up. We already are charting...
Deceit Wins at Cost of Women & Unborn
We have been here before. We've had heartbreaking losses. We know setbacks. We didn’t give up then and we will not give up now. We will never stop fighting to protect the lives of the unborn and their mothers. As long as the pro-abortion industry marches toward profit...
AZ FREE NEWS: Abortion Vs. Miscarriage Care: Exposing The Misinformation Behind Prop 139
Katarina White from AZ Free News reports on a misinformation push led by the Arizona Abortion Access Campaign surrounding Proposition 139. They claim, falsely, that if Prop 139 fails, Arizona women will lose access to miscarriage care. But Arizona law (ARS 36-2151)...
Voting > Not Voting
First, a special note on the fight against Prop 139: Watch here AZ physicians and others at a press conference this week countering false claims perpetrated by proponents. If you are discouraged about some of your options in this election, or wondering if your vote...
Abortion is NOT Healthcare
“I’ve never encountered a proposal more dangerous for women’s health.” - Dr. Erica Kreller, OB/GYN on Prop 139 I cringe every time I hear activists say, “abortion is healthcare.” No, abortion doesn’t care for the health of either the unborn baby or the mother; it ends...
AZ Free News: Democrat Mayor Of Tucson Regina Romero Calls On Supporters To “Vote No” On Prop 140
Tucson's Democrat Mayor, Regina Romero, is rallying her supporters to vote "No" on Proposition 140, a measure that seeks to introduce an open primary system and ranked-choice voting in Arizona. A broad coalition of political groups, spanning from Libertarians to...
Jungles are Dangerous
Our system of voting may not be flawless but beware of so-called “solutions,” especially when they sound too good to be true - and in this case, are too convoluted to follow. That is the Jungle Primary and Ranked Choice Voting scheme known as Prop 140. Prop 140...
AZFREE.ORG: AZFEC Statement on AZ Supreme Court Ruling on Prop 140 Signatures
Despite overwhelming evidence that Proposition 140 lacks enough valid signatures to qualify for the ballot, the Arizona Supreme Court has ruled that votes on the measure will be counted this November. The Arizona Free Enterprise Club (AZFEC), which had successfully...