Peter Garbow

It’s Go Time

Tomorrow marks one month until Election Day. Early voting begins in less than a week and next Wednesday, October 9, early voting locations open and mail-in ballots go out. It’s go time and I hope to provide you with nearly everything you need to know about the...

Heritage Foundation: Education Freedom Report Card

Heritage Foundation: Education Freedom Report Card

Heritage Foundation reports that Arizona ranks second in the nation on its Education Freedom Report Card, thanks to its innovative educational policies. Despite K-12 public education spending quadrupling since 1960, there have been no meaningful academic improvements...

They are Lying to You

You may recall a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned the news media’s goal is to cover abortion every day in an effort to keep it top of mind for voters going into November. Well, let me clarify, that is the case only if it promotes abortion and Prop 139. Proponents of...

SCOTUS Protects Schoolgirls, For Now

Parents look for alternatives to government run education for many reasons, with wokeness among the top complaints. Inviting boys into girls’ locker rooms, showers, restrooms, and sports has to be at least tied with inappropriate sexual books in libraries and...

Hypocrisy Hides

Hypocrisy: “The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform.” While Arizona officials demand ESA families clear burdensome hurdles to justify purchasing curriculum and biographical history books, some school...