CAP-Supported HB 2661: Electronic Devices; Filters; Obscene Material


This bill is a measure that takes an additional step towards ensuring that minors are protected from early exposure to explicit adult content. Requires that device manufacturers have the device content filter switched to 'on' when the user is a minor.

Bill Status:

No Further Action

Bill History:

03/26/2024 Senate Caucus

03/25/2024 Senate Rules

03/18/2024 Passed Senate Finance and Commerce (4-3)

02/29/2024 Passed House Third Read (34-25)

02/28/2024 Passed House Committee of the Whole

02/20/2024 Retained on Committee of the Whole Calendar

02/06/2024 House Caucus

02/05/2024 House Rules

01/31/2024 Passed House Judiciary (6-3-0)

01/30/2024 House Second Read

01/29/2024 House First Read

01/22/2024 Bill Introduced

Bill Versions:

Introduced Version Here.

House Engrossed Version here.

House Adopted Amendment here.

Senate Adopted Amendment here.


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