5 Minutes for Families

Every Step a Worthy Battle

Listen to CAP's latest podcast here Pro-life advocates hold back emboldened attacks on life, while fighting for every victory along the way. We see it at the State Legislature, in Congress, from the White House, and in the courts. We celebrate and protect the...

Life on the Line

Click to hear CAP’s latest podcast   We should be celebrating Arizona’s new pro-life law set to take effect next week. Instead, we wait for a ruling on whether an Arizona judge will issue a preliminary injunction, putting a hold on the law pending the outcome of...

Ensuring Fair Treatment

Listen to this week's podcast here. Sometimes laws come about in unusual ways. At CAP, we review needed legislation every year and talk with lawmakers about how to get things done. But last year, in the midst of COVID, an article in the local paper struck me. Advocacy...

Not Without Parental Approval

Today’s podcast with Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. Boykin is in honor of 9/11. Listen here   Significant Parental Rights Protections Take Effect State laws passed by Arizona lawmakers this legislative session go into effect September 29th. One of the more...

Some Answers on Vaccines & Mandates

News about vaccine mandates, booster shots, breakthrough cases, and more come at us fast. Policies range from mask and vaccine mandates in schools and businesses, to lockdowns in New Zealand and arrests in Australia. The lack of clarity fuels fears and confusion, and...

445 Days

Like it or not, we are a little over a year from another election. November 8, 2022 is just 445 days away. In an effort to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat in Arizona elections, Arizonans for Voter ID sponsored by the Arizona Free Enterprise Club, filed a ballot...

Devil, Details

Whatever you think about the state of our roads, bridges, and other infrastructure, we can agree that fundamentally changing the definition of sex in federal law shouldn’t be part of infrastructure funding. But there it is, hidden deep in the 2,702 page, $1 trillion...

Tick Tock

With less than a week before the deadline, the Arizona House and Senate have both passed several budget bills, including tax relief, election reform, and funding for pro-life, pro-family programs. They have until June 30th to complete their work and meet the budget...

Too Important to Miss

News moves fast. It’s nearly impossible to keep up. But there are some things just too important to miss. Below is a brief description of a few of those noteworthy events you’ll want to be aware of, even as the onslaught continues.  Religious Freedom Victory at the...