Your son comes to you in his teenage years. Say he’s 15. Another boy has asked your son out on a date. Your son has wrestled with his sexual orientation and is struggling whether to go on this date. Yet, your son does not want to change his sexual orientation to...
5 Minutes for Families
A Tale of Two Worldviews
It couldn’t have been more clear than it was on the Arizona House floor Tuesday evening. Two viewpoints. Two ways of looking at the exact same issue. No common ground. Some believing each must take one side over the other – at the cost of the other – and refusing to...
Abortion Activists: 2, Babies: 0
“PASSIVE INFANTICIDE” They weren’t radical bills. Most Americans would shudder at the thought of allowing a baby born alive to die alone on a cold table – or to be dismembered late in development. Still, the U.S. Senate this week defeated two bills that would have put...
A Professional’s Right to Believe
Every American citizen should be free to peacefully live and work according to the dictates of his or her conscience without the fear of unjust government punishment. This freedom equally applies to professionals. Licensed professionals, like teachers, doctors, and...
Why Call It Women’s Sports?
CeCe Telfer leaves his competition far behind. Not because he is faster and stronger than his peers at Franklin Pierce College, but because he is running against women. Telfer, when known as Craig, held a mediocre ranking on the men’s track team. Now, he holds an NCAA...
Why Not Let Her Choose Life?
Pro-Abortion Activists Oppose Life Saving Bills “I had two abortions when I was a teenager, mostly because Planned Parenthood was what was in my neighborhood and I didn’t know I had other options… I wish I would have known it was a life I was carrying. I would have...
Profound Disdain for Religious Freedom
At a time when courts, as well as voters are taking a closer look at the far-reaching effects of so-called “non-discrimination” laws, activists insist on pushing through their agenda based on false information. “It simply requires businesses open to the public are...
Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman
“Today I ask every citizen of this great nation to listen to the sound of silence caused by a generation lost to us, and then to raise their voices for all affected by abortion, both seen and unseen." President Donald J. Trump Today President Trump will be the first...
You’re Saving Money!
Educational freedom in Arizona enables tens of thousands of parents to choose the education setting best meeting their children’s needs. That choice might be public district or charter schools, homeschools, online academies, or private schools. For parents choosing...
Winning Issues
Don’t take your cues from the headlines, or even some of the new laws being proposed. Much of what you hear or read does not reflect where Arizona really is on the issues. In fact, most Arizonans likely agree with you on key concerns. On Tuesday, Center for Arizona...