As of Friday morning, at least 345,000 ballots remain to be counted in Maricopa County. Pinal County has 25,000 to count. Pima County also still has ballots to count. Total estimate of ballots remaining range from 450,000 to 500,000. Last night, Congresswoman Martha...
5 Minutes for Families
The “Top Five”
This is a busy season here at CAP and we don’t want you to miss any of it! Please take a moment to watch the short video below as Chelsea and Briana share the “Top Five” pressing takeaways for the upcoming week. Not sure what to do with your early ballot?...
Don’t Miss the General Election Prayer Event!
Join us for a time of prayer and worship as we lift up our nation, our state, and the 2018 General Election to God in prayer. General Election Prayer Event November 4, 2018 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza 1700 W Washington Street Phoenix,...
Hardened Hearts
“Are your hearts hardened? Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear?” Mark 8:17b-18a (ESV) These verses came to mind as I previewed the movie out this weekend, Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer. The movie tells the true story of...
Christians in an Angry Political Season
Lately, I’m being asked more and more about how we as Christians engage in this political season. I am seeing increasing reluctance or hesitation on the parts of many Christians to engage in politics and culture, at least in part due to the increasing vitriol in...
Search and Destroy
Spending 30 hours in Washington D.C. to support Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court only deepened my concern for our nation. The inability to engage in civil discourse has disintegrated even further than I could have imagined. Opponents to...
For the last several years, I’ve been blessed to travel throughout Europe. I’m on my way home now from a trip that featured St. Petersburg, Russia. Weather prevented us from being able to visit one special place —Gdańsk, Poland where Lech Walesa led the effort to free...
YES on Prop 305
Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) would urge you to vote “YES” on Prop 305 in the upcoming General Election. Why? Because every family deserves the opportunity to choose the best educational setting for their child. CAP supports a parent’s right to choose from a wide...
An Overblown, Politicized Circus
Today is the fourth and last day of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings before the Senate judiciary committee. Judge Kavanaugh has demonstrated by his weighed responses and his judicial record that he is a pro-law judge. He understands that the duty of any...
40 and 67
40 days until Arizonans start early ballot voting. 67 days until the November 6 General Election. Primary Election is over. Candidates are set for U.S. Senate and Congress, statewide offices, Arizona House and Senate and many more elective offices. November 6 may well...