5 Minutes for Families

Only Four More Days

Arizona’s 2018 Primary Election is four days away— Tuesday, August 28. Don’t sit this one out! To find your polling place, click here. Midterm elections historically have a low voter turnout. In 2014, only 48% of registered voters took time to vote in Arizona. In...

Judge Kavanaugh

Now we know. President Trump has nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill Justice Kennedy’s seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. For those of us concerned about the lack of civility in public discourse, we’ve already seen unprecedented attacks on Judge Kavanaugh this week....

What a week, what a month

  Let’s pause for a few seconds and reflect on the incredible developments of the last few weeks: U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) rules in favor of Jack Phillips. Free exercise of religion affirmed. SCOTUS tells Washington Supreme Court to reconsider Arlene’s Flowers, the...


Dr. Charles Krauthammer, 1950-2018 Incisive commentary. Calling it like he saw it. Love of country. Smart. Congenial. Funny. That’s the Charles Krauthammer I knew from the two times he spoke at our CAP Family Dinner. Of all the speakers we’ve had over the last...