5 Minutes for Families


Center for Arizona Policy team wishes you and your family a very Happy Independence Day! Praise God for the freedoms we all enjoy in the United States of America! ICYMI – Latest News & Articles of Interest Arizona Republic article on Title X funding in Arizona...

Two Years

Two years ago, five justices on the U.S. Supreme Court in the Obergefell decision ruled as lawmakers not as judges, redefining marriage legally to extend to two men or two women. Know that our efforts to advocate for religious freedom, privacy rights, and other issues...

Good News for Arizona

Welcome to Arizona Over the next few days, the valley will be the focus of several national gatherings of evangelicals. Please be in prayer for these events. Harvest America: Greg Laurie On Sunday, June 11, Harvest America and Greg Laurie will be coming to the...

$77.5 Million

328,348 Abortions and $77.5 Million Profit Planned Parenthood (PP) recently released its 2015-2016 Annual Report. The report revealed that PP performed 328,348 “abortion procedures” and ended the fiscal year with a profit of $77.5 million. Yet Planned Parenthood is a...

Sine Die

On Wednesday, Arizona legislators adjourned the 2017 General Session! We are grateful for a legislature and governor willing to consider and enact groundbreaking legislation that advances foundational principles for life, family and freedom. Just as we don’t take...

99 Days

Progress Everyone has an opinion of President Trump’s first 100 days in office. At CAP, we evaluate based on actions taken to preserve life, marriage and family, and religious freedom. With just one day left in the president’s first 100 days, we count a number of big...