5 Minutes for Families

Death by a Thousand Cuts

Educational freedom opponents continue their attacks on Arizona families, one cut at a time. One state Senator filed a dozen anti-educational freedom bills this session. Two of those bills were heard this week in committee. Unfortunately, one of them passed. Senate...

We Need a Law for This?

Who would have imagined even ten years ago that Arizona would need a law that defines male and female and helps keep boys out of girls’ locker rooms? But here we are. So, Arizona Senator Sine Kerr sponsored SB 1628, the Arizona Women’s Bill of Rights to bring clarity,...

Detransition Discrimination

The stories are heartbreaking: young men who will never fully develop, young women who will never breastfeed their own children – if they can even have children, men and women who have lost much of their natural gender traits but never achieved their goal of...

Nothing to See Here

They are growing bolder and reaching further. Abortion activists believe this is their year. They want abortion on demand with no limits, no regulations, no accountability, and as accessible as Tylenol. The abortion industry and their cohorts in state and federal...

Expect More Hits

We are expecting more hits as Governor Hobbs prepares to unveil her budget proposal today. It will not be a surprise when she attempts to cut back educational freedom and expand abortion any way she can. Governor Hobbs made it clear earlier this week that she is no...

Hobbs’ Attack on AZ Families

Governor Katie Hobbs is starting out 2024 with a clear attack on parents and their children. In her first move of the year, Hobbs spelled out just how she intends to toss families out of the popular Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program and undermine parental...

The Future of Life in Arizona

Correction: When Justice Bill Montgomery recused himself from the pre-Roe case, he did not cite the reason as being pressure from abortion advocates. I should not have made that statement. My piece below has been corrected from the original version. Read his order of...

None of The Above

You probably perceive it, but now we know that the number of Americans who have stepped away from organized religion has significantly increased over the past few decades. Those who do not belong to or practice a particular religious faith has grown from about 5% in...

This Is Why Our Veterans Served

There is no way to sugarcoat what happened in Ohio on Tuesday. It was heartbreaking to see the polls close and to know that Buckeye voters enshrined abortion without limits in their state constitution. And by a significant margin. It was heartbreaking for our dear...

A Loving Option

One of the most significant and selfless acts of love one can make is adopting one or more of the thousands of children in the Arizona foster care system. Sadly, there are nearly 10,000 from which to choose. Arizona Department of Child Safety reports many of the 9,900...