Drag queen story hour has quickly become drag queen grooming hour, exposing young children to sexually charged performances, stripping, and even touching between performers and minors. What started with men dressed in heavy women’s makeup and glitzy dresses...
5 Minutes for Families
Don’t Miss This: Onward For God’s Glory! From Our Leader
A quick editorial note: Cathi is taking some much-needed time with her family, but she sent along some quick but poignant thoughts to share with you on this Friday for our final 5 Minutes for Families for 2022. On behalf of the Center for Arizona Policy (CAP)...
So Much for “Decent and Honorable”
When the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide in Obergefell in 2015, Justice Kennedy wrote for the majority recognizing that people may object based on “decent and honorable religious or philosophical” beliefs. Just seven years later, another...
Giving Honor
The Bible tells us several times to honor those to whom honor is due. See Romans 12:10, 13:7; 1 Peter 2:17. Dictionaries define honor as having high respect, great esteem, and recognition. Arizonans have been governed by three leaders to whom I give honor this day:...
The Dangers of Redefining Marriage
Marriage in America will not be the same after President Biden puts his signature on the oxymoronic “Respect for Marriage Act.” Respecting marriage means honoring the God-ordained union of one man and one woman, not what powerful activists and politicians decide it is...
Know Your Rights, Know the Law
This weekend, parents will have more access to their children’s education records and any surveys given by school staff; boys will compete with boys and girls with girls; Arizonans with disabilities will be protected from discrimination, and those serving faith-based...
Arizona Ranks #1 in Education… Choice
It is a no-brainer. Parents want the freedom to choose the educational option that best suits their families. Parent-led, child-focused school choice programs are growing throughout the country, but Arizona is at top of the list! Heritage Foundation ranked the best...
How Did We Get Here?
Labor Day traditionally marks the end of summer and the start of the political campaign season. Before we enter the home stretch of this political campaign cycle, it’s important to consider where we are and how we got here. We face a critical election in a matter of...
Arizona Tops the List!
Topping Craig’s List wouldn’t usually be an honor at CAP, except when it’s Craig DeRoche’s list. DeRoche is the President and CEO of Family Policy Alliance (FPA), of which CAP is an allied state organization. FPA’s commitment to pro-family, God-glorifying policy...
A Promise to America’s Parents
A Scottsdale mother we will call Mary exercised her right in Arizona to opt-out her third grader from social-emotional learning (SEL), as Mary wants to be the main influence on her children regarding sensitive subjects. But the little girl’s older sister saw her...