Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs’ State of the State speech today was replete with anti-family rhetoric and leftist platitudes. First, Hobbs should leave parenting to parents and trust them to direct their children’s education as state law provides. Privately educated...
Breaking News
CAP Files Brief on Behalf of Unborn
For nearly 50 years, the Arizona Legislature has been unwavering in its commitment to protect unborn babies. Last night, Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) firmly countered the false claims made by Planned Parenthood and other abortion activists with an amicus brief...
SCOTUS Affirms First Amendment, Protects All from Government Coercion
Today’s 6-3 U.S. Supreme Court decision held that “The First Amendment prohibits Colorado from forcing a website designer to create expressive designs speaking messages with which the designer disagrees.” Justice Gorsuch wrote that “The First Amendment’s protections...
Governor Hobbs Okays Sexually Explicit Drag Shows for Children
Again, Governor Hobbs passed up a chance to protect children, instead leaving them vulnerable to adult content that robs their innocence. Governor Hobbs vetoed three bills today that would have limited drag shows to adults, and protected taxpayers from funding drag...
Gov. Hobbs Fails to Protect Children
Governor Hobbs had a perfect opportunity to do what she had promised: to protect children from harm. But the Governor vetoed a bill today that would have protected girls’ privacy and safety on school campus while also accommodating students struggling with their...
Amicus Brief: Lower Court Ignored Obvious Intent of Lawmakers to Protect Life
A Statement from Center for Arizona Policy President, Cathi Herrod, Esq. For nearly 50 years, the Arizona Legislature consistently protected life as much as possible under the constraints of Roe v. Wade. With Roeoverturned, Arizona’s pre-Roe law protecting all...
SCOTUS Ruling Leaves Women in Danger
A Statement from Center for Arizona Policy President, Cathi Herrod, Esq. Protecting the wellbeing and safety of women should be something we all agree on. If the abortion industry cared about women, it would care for their safety more than the industry’s bottom line....
AZ Senate Outlaws Infanticide!
A Statement from Center for Arizona Policy President, Cathi Herrod, Esq. Every baby deserves a chance at life. SB 1600 ensures all babies receive the care needed to give them that chance by prohibiting infanticide. An infant’s value is not based on his or her life...
Activists Admit: ERA is About Unrestricted Abortion
A Statement from Center for Arizona Policy President, Cathi Herrod, Esq. The recent desperate attempt to resuscitate the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) has nothing to do with equality for women. That has been achieved through the 5th and 14th Amendments, as well...
Hobbs Wants to Take Choice Away from Parents
A Statement from Center for Arizona Policy President, Cathi Herrod, Esq. A proposed budget that takes away options from parents and resources from pregnant homeless women, and doubles down on funding for abortion clinics – is not a budget reflective of a “Governor...