If you thought the ERA battle was behind us, the fight on the senate floor today would change your mind. State senators pushing for the Equal Rights Amendment tried, but failed to set aside senate rules and bring the previously dead bill to the floor for a vote. Key...
Breaking News
Radical Abortion Bill Stopped in its Tracks
Arizona lawmakers who thought it was a good idea to repeal lifesaving measure for babies who survive abortions, got a lesson today in Arizona values. Over 600 Arizonans, not willing to follow New York’s lead in passing extreme abortion laws, packed house hearing rooms...
BREAKING NEWS: Repealing Lifesaving Measures, Not an Arizona Value
At a time when extreme abortion laws out of New York and Virginia stop us in our tracks and beg the question, “what is the value of human life?” some Arizona lawmakers see an opportunity to pounce. Even as most are questioning the scope of abortion and affirming the...
Unnecessary “Anti-discrimination” Bills are Solutions in Search of a Problem
The “anti-discrimination” bills, SB 1249 and HB 2546, introduced today in the Arizona Legislature are unnecessary and create a host of problems. These bills undermine constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of speech and religion, threaten women’s equality and privacy,...
Equal Rights Amendment Deceives
A statement from Center for Arizona Policy President Cathi Herrod If today’s proposed Equal Rights Amendment (SCR 1006) protected women, and established justice and equality for women, I would stand in strong support of the ERA. But it does none of that. Proponents...
Arizona Again Most Pro-Life State!
Arizona is number one! For the second year in a row the nation’s top pro-life legal organization has ranked Arizona the #1 pro-life state. Today, Americans United for Life (AUL) released its 14th annual “Life List,” putting Arizona at the top due to our state’s...
Abortion Rates Again Trend Down
A recent “Fact Check” by the Arizona Republic reported as “mostly true” that Arizona is the most pro-life state in the country. Okay, the paper said most “anti-abortion,” but I prefer to use the term “pro-life.” Over the last 10 years, pro-life laws in Arizona have...
On a Plane to D.C.
Early this morning, Concerned Women for America (CWA) President Penny Nance invited me to speak at a Women for Kavanaugh “I Stand with Brett” Rally Thursday on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. sponsored by CWA’s Legislative Action Committee. I’ve stood by and watched...
BREAKING NEWS: Beauty in School Choice in Arizona!
Presenting Engage Arizona. Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) is committed to driving the conversation about school choice in Arizona. We believe it is uniquely a parent’s right to choose what is the best possible education for their children. This is why we are so...
BREAKING NEWS: Jon Kyl – A Wise Choice
A Statement from Center for Arizona Policy President Cathi Herrod Governor Ducey today selected former US Senator Jon Kyl to fill the seat vacated by Senator McCain’s passing. As one who has worked closely with Senator Kyl on many issues, I welcome and applaud his...