Governor Doug Ducey signed CAP-supported bill SB 1393, making sure that courts in a divorce dispute will award in vitro embryos to the spouse that wants them for the purpose of having children. This newly signed law makes clear that Arizona public policy favors...
Breaking News
BREAKING NEWS: AZ Lawmakers Protect Parental Rights
In response to a judicial ruling last summer denying Ruby Torres the right to bring her frozen in vitro embryos to birth, Arizona lawmakers today gave final passage to SB 1393, making it clear that public policy favors bringing the in vitro embryos to birth. The...
BREAKING NEWS: Gov. Ducey Signs Two CAP-Supported Bills
Governor Doug Ducey signed two important bills, HB 2460 and HB 2461, making sure that private schools are treated fairly. Private schools provide valuable educational opportunities for children in our state, and should have equal opportunity to purchase vacant school...
BREAKING NEWS: AZ Lawmakers Send School Sale Equity Bill to Governor
Current law requires school districts to attempt to obtain the highest possible value for vacant property they have chosen to sell or lease. The bill makes clear that school districts cannot prohibit a charter or private school from negotiation to buy or lease the property, and that they cannot withdraw the property solely because a private or charter school is the highest bidder.
BREAKING NEWS: CAP Files Brief in Religious Freedom Case
“Christian artists Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski of Brush & Nib Studio rightly serve all people; however, they should not be compelled by the City of Phoenix to communicate messages that violate their sincerely held religious beliefs,” stated VP of Policy &...
BREAKING NEWS: Arizona Named the Most Pro-Life State
Americans United for Life (AUL) released its annual Life List and ranked Arizona as the #1 Pro-Life state. After a “comprehensive analysis of each state’s legal protections for human life from conception to natural death,” AUL’s legal team gave Arizona the...
BREAKING NEWS: Arizona Court Tramples Religious Freedom
Arizona Court Tramples Religious Freedom Yesterday, Maricopa County Judge Karen Mullins issued a court ruling trampling on the religious freedom of two Christian artists in Phoenix, Arizona. Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski own Brush & Nib Studio, a business...

The Department of Justice: We Will Vigorously Protect Religious Freedom
Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) agrees with Attorney General Jeff Sessions that, “[e]xcept in the narrowest circumstances, no one should be forced to choose between living out his or her faith and complying with the law.” Based on this principle, the Attorney General...

New HHS Rule Finally Protects Little Sisters of the Poor
Today, the Trump Administration once again affirmed the importance of religious freedom and freedom of conscience in our country. The Administration issued new regulations (here and here) that protect religious and moral objectors to the Obama-era abortion-pill...
BREAKING NEWS: CAP Files Brief with U.S. Supreme Court
Statement by Center for Arizona Policy President Cathi Herrod “Creative professionals, like Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips, rightly serve all people; however, they should not be compelled to communicate all messages or celebrate all events,” stated CAP...