Church Ambassador Network

Why Partnership?

Are you, like so many other Arizona pastors, seeing the tangible needs in your church and church’s neighborhood increasing at a breathtaking rate?Inflation, evictions, rising homelessness, drug addition, mental health needs, gender dysphoria, crime, violence, etc. Our...


Scriptures are clear that like the saints of old, you and I are “strangers and exiles” in this world. We’re seeking a better homeland, as the writer of Hebrews wrote about: These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and...

Religion is Essential.

Today’s email is a bit unique. Over the past eleven months, I’ve written to you about a number of topics, but not a policy issue. Arizona Capitol Project (ACP) is an initiative of Center for Arizona Policy, but ACP is not a policy initiative. As you’ve come to learn,...

Be Thou My Vision

Good Afternoon Pastors, Do you wake up with songs, Scriptures, or Scriptures set to music on your heart? On the occasions that I do, I tend to have them with me all day long. This morning’s tune is a medieval Irish hymn that I sang a lot in high school: Be thou my...

A Different Lens on All of This

As of this writing, there’s still scant little we know for certain at the top of the ticket. Since late-yesterday, the Electoral College count has been staying put – depending on which source you follow – at Joseph R. Biden Jr., 253 or 264 and Donald J. Trump, 214....

Fear Not

Maybe it’s because I’ve crested past the age of 45 or perhaps because I joined that illustrious group of cord cutters some years back – either way, I bought an antenna for my TV. In part, so I can watch Premier League soccer (football, ahem…) on Saturday mornings, but...