
ACTION ALERT: The Voter Guide is Here!

It’s finally here! Center for Arizona Policy’s 2012 Primary Election Voter Guide is now available at azvoterguide.com. There is no denying that this is one of the most critical elections of our lifetime. But even in Arizona, this election is taking on a new...

5 Minutes for Families: Gendercide

June 8, 2012 1) Gendercide in Arizona. This week, Live Action released a video showing Arizona abortion clinic workers knowingly arranging sex-selection abortions, in direct violation of Arizona law. In the videos seen here, a Live Action actor informs the abortion...

All This Fuss for Nothing

Governor Jan Brewer recently signed into law HB 2800, the Whole Woman’s Health Funding Priority Act. The new law ensures that abortion providers do not receive any family planning funds that pass through the state. Planned Parenthood and other abortion supporters have...

Religious Freedom Wins: Governor signs HB 2625

Religious Freedom Wins: Governor signs HB 2625 Law protects religious employers from being forced being forced to violate their religious beliefs PHOENIX – Governor Jan Brewer has signed HB 2625, which protects religious employers from being forced to violate their...