
ACTION ALERT: Stand for Life!

SUMMARY: CAP-supported pro-life legislation needs YOUR help this week! The Mothers' Health and Safety Act, HB 2838, sponsored by Representative Kimberly Yee will be heard in the House Health and Human Services Committee on Wednesday. This bill: Prohibits abortion...

Komen Foundation Waffling

The drama surrounding the Komen Foundation's announcement they would cut off funding to Planned Parenthood continues to develop, even as I write this. On Tuesday, the Susan G. Komen Foundation, which works to cure breast cancer, announced a change in their policies...

Where the Critics Go Wrong on School Choice

Education is on everyone’s mind at the Legislature this session. Governor Brewer announced that improving education as a key part of her plans for 2012 when she said in her State of the State address that we will see “excellence and accountability in our education...

Arizona Day of Prayer Withstands Legal Attack

The tradition of designating an official day of prayer began with the Continental Congress in 1775. Since then, every president, with no exception, has recognized the importance of God in our nation. So when the Wisconsin-based “Freedom From Religion Foundation”...

Mandating Ideology

Jennifer Keeton is a graduate student at Augusta State University in Georgia who, like millions of Christians across the country, holds a biblical belief about homosexuality.  It’s because of this biblical worldview that Augusta State has offered Jennifer an...

Gambling Expansion is Not the Answer

The growth of gambling in Arizona and across the country has had a desensitizing-effect on many people. Often all we see on TV are the big paydays and hear the talking points about how much revenue gambling can allegedly create for cash-strapped states. Arizona, like...

Arizona’s Right to Promote Life

For years in Arizona, we’ve seen those who oppose our work at the Legislature turn to the courts to try and stop CAP-supported bills from taking effect. Getting a bill through the House and Senate and signed by the Governor is not an easy process, but often it’s only...