
Arizona School Choice Recap

It has long been the view of Center for Arizona Policy that parents should have as many options as possible available to them for how to educate their children. After all, parents should have the fundamental right to direct the education and upbringing of their...

The Hypocrisy of Abortion

-This post was written by CAP Communications Coordinator Tyler Hudgins 54,000,000 plus and counting. On its face - it just seems like a really big number. However, this number represents something much more than just eight meaningless digits. Each one represents a...

Arizona Leads Nation in Closure of Abortion Clinics

A recently published report by the Huffington Post shows that Arizona leads the nation in the number of abortion clinics that have either shutdown or stopped providing abortion procedure services altogether. This is a huge victory for the pro-life movement in Arizona!...

Contact the Candidates

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive during elections season is “Why do candidates decline to respond?” Simply put, the answer is “We don’t know.” CAP’s Voter Guide is nonpartisan and straight forward. We treat every candidate the same and follow up...

Inside Baseball Politics on the Radio

Last week, I was on air with KPXQ's Tom Brown discussing the launch of the City Election Voter Guide at azvoterguide.com and the same-sex "marriage" initiative that may be on the 2014 ballot. Tom also baited me into discussing some baseball talk on the air, and being...