Engage Arizona Podcast

Providing Hope in Hard Places

Protecting the preborn is a comprehensive effort. Advocating for public policy that affirms life and cares for the mother is just one important aspect. Women faced with unplanned pregnancies need a place to turn – somewhere to slow down and consider their options – somewhere they can learn about the resources available to them – somewhere safe, where someone will listen.

Pregnancy Resource Centers provide all of that and more. They also provide pro-life Arizonans opportunities to get involved and help both mother and her preborn baby.

A panel of women who head local pregnancy resource centers joins us today to give insight into this important aspect of the pro-life movement. CAP’s Cindy Dahlgren discussed with them their role in the community, why women consider abortion, the fathers’ role, the greatest need, and how you can help.

Tell Your Children

The big marijuana industry is trying again to pass recreational marijuana in Arizona with a new ballot initiative for the 2020 election. This comes at a time when more and more experts are acknowledging the link between today’s high potency marijuana and psychosis.

Alex Berenson has followed the extensive research done on the subject and recently wrote a book titled, “Tell Your Children the Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence.”

Berenson found that the link between marijuana and psychosis goes back hundreds of years, but has only recently begun to penetrate the long-held notion that cannabis is harmless. He says the science is undeniable and points to the growing potency of today’s marijuana – which is ten to 50 percent more potent than it was decades ago when marijuana first hit the U.S. market.

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