Engage Arizona Podcast

Lessons from Virginia

Arizona faces a potential character change after the November election. Just how different would the state look under new leadership? The 2020 legislative session in the state of Virginia gives us some clear indicators. The Family Foundation’s Victoria Cobb explains the sweeping changes to state law, and the reversal of more than 20-years of value-sustaining policy in just two months time.

Saving Two Lives

Pro-abortion advocates will tell you that the pro-life movement doesn’t care about the woman or the child after the birth. Laura Magruder, CEO of Maggie’s Place, is proof that statement is false. Maggie’s place is and has been a safe haven for hundreds of women facing unplanned pregnancy and homelessness. From helping them deal with addiction, to reuniting families, Maggie’s Place is an answered prayer for women in the midst of extreme turmoil in their lives. Laura shares what it’s like to be on the front lines in the pro-life movement working alongside women and offering community in some of the most difficult moments of their lives.

7 for 7: The science and truth about abortion pill rescue

1 in 4 women will have an abortion in the United States. Abortion giant Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers would have you believe that not one woman would regret their decision or second guess if they did the “right” thing for themselves. But reality is, women do change their minds. In this episode, listen as Dr. William Lile, also known as the “Pro-life Doc” discusses the science and reality of abortion pill rescue and the incredible second chance it can offer women and their pre-born children.

There’s More to Martha

Not too many people can say they’ve flown a fighter jet – even fewer women can make that claim. There are a lot of things Senator Martha McSally has done that impress and inspire the Arizonans she represents in the U.S. Senate. We’re not talking politics now. We’re getting to know the woman who carved a way for herself in a man’s world, and the character built by trials and triumphs along the way.

The Ballot Box: Where Faith and Culture Collide

We hear a lot about the “Evangelical vote” during an election year. But characterizing this group of voters is not that simple, according to George Barna, the founder of The Barna Group. Barna’s many years in market research and studying the religious beliefs and behavior of Americans have convinced him we are in need of a cultural transformation. Now at Arizona Christian University’s Culture Research Center, Barna works to assist that transformation and impact faith and culture. Hear his fascinating insights on Engage Arizona.

What happens when you change your mind? The facts about abortion pill rescue.

Jor-El Godsey leads the world’s largest leadership supply line for the pregnancy help movement by providing accurate information, training, and daily support to women and couples at risk for abortion. Being on the front lines of the pro-life movement, Jor-El shares his professional expertise on how to communicate some of the most controversial issues of our time. In this episode, we discuss the truth about Abortion Pill Rescue, the role of Pregnancy Resource Centers, and how to cut through the noise of media and the abortion industry to get women accurate, reliable information.

Arizona’s Elections and the Pandemic Factor

A Pandemic can apparently shut down life as we know it, and throw our economy into a tail spin, but one thing it won’t stop: The 2020 election. In fact, elections feed off of chaos. As a key battleground state, Arizona’s elections were shaping up to be quite volatile before the coronavirus. So, how has it changed the face of the election? The policies front and center? Engage Arizona discusses those questions, and what else Arizona voters can expect leading up to November.

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