Recent Publications

Arizona’s Future?

Every year, we see a host of destructive bills that we work to ensure never gain traction. Now that the Legislature and executive branch are split ideologically, tensions are high, and efforts are emboldened. The list of bills some lawmakers hope to get to Governor...

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Igniting a Firestorm

Nothing enflames the abortion industry like a grand victory for the pro-life movement. The overturning of Roe last June righted a horrible wrong; it also ignited a firestorm against all pro-life efforts, villainizing even the most compassionate, service-focused...

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A Drag on Society

  Drag queen story hour has quickly become drag queen grooming hour, exposing young children to sexually charged performances, stripping, and even touching between performers and minors. What started with men dressed in heavy women’s makeup and glitzy dresses...

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Giving Honor

The Bible tells us several times to honor those to whom honor is due. See Romans 12:10, 13:7; 1 Peter 2:17. Dictionaries define honor as having high respect, great esteem, and recognition. Arizonans have been governed by three leaders to whom I give honor this day:...

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