Recent Publications

Roe’s Radical Rage

If it were up to both of Arizona’s U.S. Senators, the radical Women’s Health Protection Act would have passed this week, codifying Roe v Wade into federal law. Both Senators Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly voted Wednesday to advance the extreme abortion bill....

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Ready for Roe’s Demise

When I read, “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled” I had to catch my breath.  The leaked draft opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court in the Dobbs case was a complete and scathing rejection of Roe v Wade, overturning nearly 50 years of faulty rationale...

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A Day in Court

Coach Kennedy had his day in court and according to those who follow the U.S. Supreme Court closely, it went well for him - and for the case for religious freedom. A review by SCOTUS Blog indicates a majority of justices seemed to be sympathetic to Joseph Kennedy’s...

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It’s Time

Arizona’s primary election is less than four months away. It’s time to prepare. But first: Capitol Update: Religious Freedom Victory! Governor Ducey this week signed CAP-supported SB 1399, protecting the interest of children and faith based foster care and adoption...

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