Recent Publications


In the midst of this COVID crazy year and deep concerns about the elections results, let’s not overlook the Advent season. Let us remember to rejoice for this is the day the Lord has made. We have been put in this time and place for a reason. It’s not a time for...

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Legal Victories

The election aftermath has become top of mind the last few weeks. So much so that many have missed a number of major developments – all legal victories! Four very recent court rulings, including from the U.S. Supreme Court, have strengthened religious freedom,...

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Freedom on Trial

The U.S. Supreme Court - now with five constitutionalists serving on the bench - will decide an important religious freedom case this session. Justice Amy Coney Barrett was on the bench last week when the Court heard oral arguments in Catholic Social Services v City...

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Two Views and a Vote

If you watched any of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on the confirmation of the U.S. Supreme Court Nominee, you heard two very different views of Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Either Judge Barrett is President Trump’s puppet, a reincarnated version of the...

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Storm Ahead

Late last Friday afternoon, I was checking email and news like I usually do at the end of the day. All of a sudden up popped the news that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had passed away. My mind raced to a number of thoughts but the most prominent one was how man knows...

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