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In Colorado, nearly 70% of marijuana users admit driving stoned – many of them, daily. That’s a lot of high drivers on the road next to you. It’s no surprise the number of traffic deaths involving drivers with THC in their system in Colorado doubled after voters...

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Kids or Pot, Pick One

You can’t put our children’s future first and still support Prop 207. That’s because this particular ballot initiative goes far beyond decriminalizing marijuana. It creates a client base for years to come by pretending to protect kids, while marketing to kids. Prop...

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Voting in 2020

I am getting many questions about voting and the potential for election fraud. While I certainly don’t have all the answers, I will attempt to respond to some of the concerns. Throughout the U.S., progressive groups opposed to our values are filing lawsuits in an...

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After the Vote

Primary Election Recap While we await the official, final vote tallies from this past Tuesday’s Primary Election, here’s what we know to date: More Arizonans turned out to vote in the primary than in any previous cycle. While the turnout partly results from population...

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Celebrating Freedom

Independence Day 2020 couldn’t come soon enough. Amidst the chaos and unrest ripping Americans apart, it is good to pause and remember what binds us together - and where we all started. This is a weekend to celebrate freedom itself, and to honor all those who made it...

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Don’t be Fooled

We find out next week which initiatives will likely be on the November ballot. The requisite signatures are due Thursday, July 2.. The latest count indicates the “Smart and Safe Act” has far exceeded the 237,645 needed signatures to qualify. If those signatures prove...

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