Recent Publications

ACTION ALERT: You Can Help Pregnant Women Choose Life!
Here is your chance to speak up for the preborn! We need to show state legislators that Arizona supports them when they support women and the babies they’re carrying. Lawmakers are considering HB2388 and SB1328. These bills would allocate $1.5 million each for two...

Why Call It Women’s Sports?
CeCe Telfer leaves his competition far behind. Not because he is faster and stronger than his peers at Franklin Pierce College, but because he is running against women. Telfer, when known as Craig, held a mediocre ranking on the men’s track team. Now, he holds an NCAA...
Save Private School Tuition Tax Credits!
Thank you for being part of the Arizona Christian Education Network. It is at moments like this that your voice is most needed… This week, Arizona House and Senate Democrats proposed a state budget that included a repeal of private school tuition tax credits. This...

Save Women’s Sports!
Girls deserve a level playing field If you believe girls and women deserve to compete on a level playing field, your legislators need to hear from you today! State Representative Nancy Barto and more than 20 co-sponsors have introduced legislation that will require...

Why Not Let Her Choose Life?
Pro-Abortion Activists Oppose Life Saving Bills “I had two abortions when I was a teenager, mostly because Planned Parenthood was what was in my neighborhood and I didn’t know I had other options… I wish I would have known it was a life I was carrying. I would have...

Profound Disdain for Religious Freedom
At a time when courts, as well as voters are taking a closer look at the far-reaching effects of so-called “non-discrimination” laws, activists insist on pushing through their agenda based on false information. “It simply requires businesses open to the public are...

Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman
“Today I ask every citizen of this great nation to listen to the sound of silence caused by a generation lost to us, and then to raise their voices for all affected by abortion, both seen and unseen." President Donald J. Trump Today President Trump will be the first...

You’re Saving Money!
Educational freedom in Arizona enables tens of thousands of parents to choose the education setting best meeting their children’s needs. That choice might be public district or charter schools, homeschools, online academies, or private schools. For parents choosing...

Winning Issues
Don’t take your cues from the headlines, or even some of the new laws being proposed. Much of what you hear or read does not reflect where Arizona really is on the issues. In fact, most Arizonans likely agree with you on key concerns. On Tuesday, Center for Arizona...

Things To Know For 2020
A new decade. A key election year. Calendar’s already filling up. Lots to commit to prayer. Things you need to know to start 2020 . . . Election Year. Those who want to legalize recreational marijuana are on the streets asking you, the voter, to sign a petition to put...
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