Recent Publications

45 Years

Forty-five years ago, 7 men decided to legalize abortion for our entire nation. Perhaps you’ve heard about an incredible talk given by a young woman in defense of life at Google. Well, that courageous woman is Stephanie Grey. Then perhaps you’ve heard about another...

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The times in which we live present ever expanding and even disheartening challenges. Each of us has a choice to make. One decision would be to look at the world around us with despair over today’s culture, a culture that disregards truth. To throw our hands up and say...

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Recent Events

Over the past few weeks and even months, the civil discourse in our nation has changed dramatically with individuals in public life from Hollywood to media outlets to Arizona Legislature to Congress being accused of sexual harassment or related activity leading to...

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Our Hero!

Yesterday was National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, a day in which 2,403 American servicemen perished, I am sharing this incredibly special video with you. Frank Palamara is a Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) ministry friend. He’s 92 years old, and he served in the...

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