Recent Publications
BREAKING NEWS: Gov. Ducey signs CAP-supported bill SB 1393
Governor Doug Ducey signed CAP-supported bill SB 1393, making sure that courts in a divorce dispute will award in vitro embryos to the spouse that wants them for the purpose of having children. This newly signed law makes clear that Arizona public policy favors...
Celebrating the Risen Christ
“He is not here, for He has risen, as He said. Come, see the place where He lay.” Matthew 28:6 ESV The gospels are filled with incredible words and phrases such as these. In our daily devotions, it is sometimes easy to read such familiar words and simply continue...
BREAKING NEWS: AZ Lawmakers Protect Parental Rights
In response to a judicial ruling last summer denying Ruby Torres the right to bring her frozen in vitro embryos to birth, Arizona lawmakers today gave final passage to SB 1393, making it clear that public policy favors bringing the in vitro embryos to birth. The...
BREAKING NEWS: Gov. Ducey Signs Two CAP-Supported Bills
Governor Doug Ducey signed two important bills, HB 2460 and HB 2461, making sure that private schools are treated fairly. Private schools provide valuable educational opportunities for children in our state, and should have equal opportunity to purchase vacant school...
Constitutional or Not: Government Targeting Disfavored Speech
“Today, before the United States Supreme Court justices, I argued on behalf of the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates that the California law forcing pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise for abortions is unlawful government-compelled expression” stated...
BREAKING NEWS: AZ Lawmakers Send School Sale Equity Bill to Governor
Current law requires school districts to attempt to obtain the highest possible value for vacant property they have chosen to sell or lease. The bill makes clear that school districts cannot prohibit a charter or private school from negotiation to buy or lease the property, and that they cannot withdraw the property solely because a private or charter school is the highest bidder.
Pregnancy Centers Before the U.S. Supreme Court
Can the state of California force pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise for abortions? Next Tuesday, on March 20, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments for National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) v. Becerra. The court will decide whether...
Problems to be Solved
Often CAP-supported legislation focuses on solving problems. That is the case with two bills designed to treat private schools fairly, based on real problems encountered by two private schools in Tucson. The two bills, HB 2460 School Sale Equity and HB 2461 School...
BREAKING NEWS: CAP Files Brief in Religious Freedom Case
“Christian artists Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski of Brush & Nib Studio rightly serve all people; however, they should not be compelled by the City of Phoenix to communicate messages that violate their sincerely held religious beliefs,” stated VP of Policy &...
Hands Off Our Kids!
“The state has no right to take our children away and to give them experimental drugs” -- Aaron Baer, President of Ohio’s Citizens for Community Values (CCV) and former VP of Communications at Center for Arizona Policy. This week CCV held a press conference denouncing...
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