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Recent Events

Over the past few weeks and even months, the civil discourse in our nation has changed dramatically with individuals in public life from Hollywood to media outlets to Arizona Legislature to Congress being accused of sexual harassment or related activity leading to...

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Our Hero!

Yesterday was National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, a day in which 2,403 American servicemen perished, I am sharing this incredibly special video with you. Frank Palamara is a Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) ministry friend. He’s 92 years old, and he served in the...

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Pray, Pray, Pray!

It’s next Tuesday, December 5. It’s Justice for Jack time. That’s when the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) will hear oral arguments in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. I’ll be there, speaking at the rally and praying. Follow me...

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A Forever Home

In honor of Veterans Day, I want to begin by thanking our veterans for their service to our country. The sacrifices of veterans and their families continue to guarantee our freedom. May God bless all our veterans and their families.   Stephanie and her twin sister...

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Unknown Risks

Most every young woman on a college campus will see an ad encouraging her to help someone else build a family. The ad’s sponsor will offer significant sums of money in exchange for the co-ed providing her eggs. Then, individuals desiring to use IVF to create children...

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