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BREAKING NEWS: Gov. Ducey Signs SB 1431!
Gov. Ducey Signs School Choice Bill! Statement from Center for Arizona Policy President Cathi Herrod Governor Doug Ducey signed a groundbreaking school choice bill, making Arizona the first state to put in place a universal Empowerment Scholarship Account program....
BREAKING NEWS: Gov. Ducey Signs Pro-life Bill!
Statement from Center for Arizona Policy President Cathi Herrod Governor Doug Ducey’s signature today on SB 1367 affirms life, regardless of age and circumstances of birth. The new law will ensure doctors make every effort to save the lives of babies born alive during...
Major Victories for Life!
Redirecting Title X Family Planning Funding away from abortion providers passes U.S. Congress! The plan to defund Planned Parenthood seemed to have gone down with the American Health Care Act defeat last week, but gratefully, many lawmakers are undeterred. Before...
The Making of a Supreme Court Justice
ICYMI news from the legislature this week, please take a few minutes now to respond to our Action Alert on SB 1367 to give babies surviving an abortion every chance at life. Also, the CAP-supported SB 1439 to protect the rights of conscience for health care providers...
AZ Lawmakers Protect Health Care Professionals, Pass SB 1439
A Statement from Center for Arizona Policy President Cathi Herrod No one should be forced to participate in actions that violate their conscience. Nor should they be discriminated against for exercising their right to do so. Today, Arizona lawmakers made that very...
Leaving Babies to Die Baby girl Zeitner was delivered alive following an abortion at 22 weeks, 3 days. She lived for one hour and eighteen minutes. APGAR score of 4. Investigative records reveal that baby girl Zeitner did not receive any resuscitative care. Simple...
Wisdom from Stonestreet & foolishness from Planned Parenthood
Wisdom and insight from John Stonestreet If you are not familiar with the Colson Center for Christian Worldview and its BreakPoint commentaries, you are missing key insights into today’s culture from a biblical perspective. CAP hosted a breakfast earlier this week for...
Let’s get something straight…
Setting the story straight A lot has been said about SB 1439, much of it untrue or misleading. So I want to set the story straight. The bill, sponsored by Senator Nancy Barto, would protect the conscience rights of health care professionals who object to providing...
A Winning Week!
Life bills pass Arizona Senate and head to the Arizona House We’re half way to the Governor’s desk. Two CAP-supported bills affirming the sanctity of life passed the full Senate this week. Next step will be committee hearings in the House sometime in the next few...
Common Sense Returned
A Statement from Center for Arizona Policy President Cathi Herrod More good news this week! Public schools don’t have to choose between protecting students and federal money thanks to a quick fix from the White House. The Trump Administration’s move yesterday to...
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