Recent Publications
Seriously Damaged
Those to first buy off on the tragic lie of “transitioning” children are now the first to raise a red flag. Acknowledging children have been seriously damaged, European countries continue their withdrawal from the futile and tragic effort to change the sex of...
Mayes Issues Fraudulent Alert
This week’s edition was written by CAP Vice President Policy, Greg Scott. Arizona’s Attorney General Kris Mayes misused the power of her office March 13 to launch an unprovoked, dishonest attack on pregnancy resource centers (PRCs). The report produced by the...
You Want to Talk About Fraud?
I agree; government programs rife with fraud and abuse should be held accountable. Nearly $26 million in documented fraud locally and a 23% fraud rate in one government funded program alone is unacceptable. But that’s not what is making the news. What is? A single...
No Matter How Small
It is no small victory that the Alabama Supreme Court ruled 8-1 that frozen embryos are unborn babies protected by state law. The majority wrote, “All parties to these cases, like all members of this Court, agree that an unborn child is a genetically unique human...
Death by a Thousand Cuts
Educational freedom opponents continue their attacks on Arizona families, one cut at a time. One state Senator filed a dozen anti-educational freedom bills this session. Two of those bills were heard this week in committee. Unfortunately, one of them passed. Senate...
We Need a Law for This?
Who would have imagined even ten years ago that Arizona would need a law that defines male and female and helps keep boys out of girls’ locker rooms? But here we are. So, Arizona Senator Sine Kerr sponsored SB 1628, the Arizona Women’s Bill of Rights to bring clarity,...
Detransition Discrimination
The stories are heartbreaking: young men who will never fully develop, young women who will never breastfeed their own children – if they can even have children, men and women who have lost much of their natural gender traits but never achieved their goal of...
Nothing to See Here
They are growing bolder and reaching further. Abortion activists believe this is their year. They want abortion on demand with no limits, no regulations, no accountability, and as accessible as Tylenol. The abortion industry and their cohorts in state and federal...
Expect More Hits
We are expecting more hits as Governor Hobbs prepares to unveil her budget proposal today. It will not be a surprise when she attempts to cut back educational freedom and expand abortion any way she can. Governor Hobbs made it clear earlier this week that she is no...
Hobbs’ Speech Distinctly Anti-Women, Anti-Parent, Anti-Unborn
Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs’ State of the State speech today was replete with anti-family rhetoric and leftist platitudes. First, Hobbs should leave parenting to parents and trust them to direct their children’s education as state law provides. Privately educated...
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