Results for "equality act"

CAP-Supported Laws (MW)

…standards following court decision (2000) Prohibiting physician assistants from performing surgical abortions (2002) ** Banning partial-birth abortion (2009) Abortion Consent Act – requiring informed consent, enhancing parental consent, and expanding…

Rights of Conscience for Professionals

…right not only to believe and worship as one chooses, but to live consistent with one’s religious beliefs. Arizona’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act provides even broader protections. The act recognizes…

The Morning-After Pill and Abortion (new)

…fertilization;” and 3) “[p]revents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus.”[14] The FDA notes the same three mechanisms of action: “Plan B acts primarily by stopping the release of…

CAP-Supported Laws and Resolutions

…standards following court decision (2000) Prohibiting physician assistants from performing surgical abortions (2002) ** Banning partial-birth abortion (2009) Abortion Consent Act – requiring informed consent, enhancing parental consent, and expanding…

Rights of Conscience for Professionals

Rights of Conscience for Professionals

…Arizona’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act provides even broader protections. The act recognizes that the “[f]ree exercise of religion is a fundamental right.” Therefore, the government may not burden (anything beyond…