Results for "equality act"

The Morning After Pill and Abortion

The Morning After Pill and Abortion

…ovary;” 2) “[p]revents fertilization;” and 3) “[p]revents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus.”[14] The FDA notes the same three mechanisms of action: “Plan B acts primarily by stopping…


…but teachers’ unions and other activists push for such instruction, as well as fighting parents who push back. According to Heritage Foundation, “The results of this survey do not support…

Arizona Selection and Retention of Judges

…Arizona Capital Times, (last visited on September 19, 2023). [xviii] Id. [xix] Petition for Special Action in Knight, et al. v. Fontes, (last visited on September 19, 2023)….

Breaking Point?

…law faced fierce opposition during the legislative process by activists demanding the purely experimental and permanent “treatments” for children struggling with gender. The original bill had to be amended to…