
5 Minutes for Families: Gendercide

June 8, 2012 1) Gendercide in Arizona. This week, Live Action released a video showing Arizona abortion clinic workers knowingly arranging sex-selection abortions, in direct violation of Arizona law. In the videos seen here, a Live Action actor informs the abortion...

All This Fuss for Nothing

Governor Jan Brewer recently signed into law HB 2800, the Whole Woman’s Health Funding Priority Act. The new law ensures that abortion providers do not receive any family planning funds that pass through the state. Planned Parenthood and other abortion supporters have...

Legislators Stand for Life

On Tuesday, April 10, the Arizona House of Representatives passed HB 2036 by a vote of 37-22. HB 2036, called “The Mother’s Health and Safety Act”: Prohibits abortion after 20 weeks because of the safety risks to the mother and the pain endured by the preborn child....

The Value of Every Life

The Mother's Health and Safety Act, HB 2838, was heard in the House Health and Human Services Committee last week. One of the most powerful moments came when Representative Justin Pierce shared the story of his brother's family, and how despite pressure from doctors,...