For 48 years, Americans have been legally aborting their babies under the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade. Forty-eight years of life lost. Forty-eight years of grief and regret. CAP recently spoke with an Arizona mother of two haunted for 12 years with the...
Legal Victories
The election aftermath has become top of mind the last few weeks. So much so that many have missed a number of major developments – all legal victories! Four very recent court rulings, including from the U.S. Supreme Court, have strengthened religious freedom,...
62 Reasons Abortions are Down in Arizona
Abortion in Arizona 2011-2019 Commonsense health and safety regulations for Arizona abortion clinics and their doctors lead to fewer abortions, and a continued culture of life. Don’t ever get discouraged by the small steps taken toward a day when abortion is...
Two Views and a Vote
If you watched any of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on the confirmation of the U.S. Supreme Court Nominee, you heard two very different views of Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Either Judge Barrett is President Trump’s puppet, a reincarnated version of the...
My Thoughts on COVID 19 and the Abortion Industry
Earlier this week, I aired my coronavirus pet peeve on Facebook. I wrote, in part, that it’s counterproductive to criticize elected officials like President Trump, Vice-President Pence, Governor Ducey and Attorney General Brnovich for what they’re doing, or not doing...

Why Not Let Her Choose Life?
Pro-Abortion Activists Oppose Life Saving Bills “I had two abortions when I was a teenager, mostly because Planned Parenthood was what was in my neighborhood and I didn’t know I had other options… I wish I would have known it was a life I was carrying. I would have...

Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman
“Today I ask every citizen of this great nation to listen to the sound of silence caused by a generation lost to us, and then to raise their voices for all affected by abortion, both seen and unseen." President Donald J. Trump Today President Trump will be the first...

Things To Know For 2020
A new decade. A key election year. Calendar’s already filling up. Lots to commit to prayer. Things you need to know to start 2020 . . . Election Year. Those who want to legalize recreational marijuana are on the streets asking you, the voter, to sign a petition to put...

Abortion is Evil
Abortion is evil.Abortion stops a beating heart.Abortion breaks women’s and men’s hearts. Abortion also hurts women, both physically and emotionally.That’s not news for us in the pro-life community.Over the last few weeks, however, we’ve seen an uptick in court...
Planned Parenthood: Abortion Above All Else
Planned Parenthood Arizona (PPA) lost big this past week, and that is good news for women and for life! But it lost a lot more than the $5 million off its bottom line— it also lost the façade it’s been hiding behind for decades. The mask slipped when a local jury...