
Heartbeat Laws

Abortion laws dominate headlines across the country. While New York, Vermont, Virginia, Illinois and other states have moved to secure legalized abortion at all stages of pregnancy, other states have passed laws prohibiting abortion at the earliest stages of...

Hardened Hearts

“Are your hearts hardened? Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear?” Mark 8:17b-18a (ESV) These verses came to mind as I previewed the movie out this weekend, Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer. The movie tells the true story of...

Your Worldview Matters

Your worldview shapes how you look at everything in life. From how to raise a family to a work ethic to public policy issues, worldview matters. Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) is committed to helping put forth a robust and consistent Christian worldview. The lack of...