Earlier this month, Dr. Charles Krauthammer spoke on Brendan Eich’s resignation from Mozilla on Special Report with Bret Baier. In his powerful statement, Krauthammer says this is an example of “the culture of the left…destroying personally and marginalizing,” and...
Voter Registration Weekends, Step #2!
Order/Download FREE Resources Check out azvoterguide.com to download or order free resources to conduct your voter registration drive! At azvoterguide.com, you can: *Register to vote. *Order a FREE Voter Registration Kit. *Download voter registration and materials to...
Voter Registration Weekends, Step #1!
Mark Your Calendar! Elections have a tremendous impact on the future of our state. They are your opportunity to ensure your values are represented and voice is heard! That's why it's so critical to be registered to vote. The official Voter Registration Weekend dates...