When the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide in Obergefell in 2015, Justice Kennedy wrote for the majority recognizing that people may object based on “decent and honorable religious or philosophical” beliefs. Just seven years later, another...
The Dangers of Redefining Marriage
Marriage in America will not be the same after President Biden puts his signature on the oxymoronic “Respect for Marriage Act.” Respecting marriage means honoring the God-ordained union of one man and one woman, not what powerful activists and politicians decide it is...

A Voice for Religious Freedom
The principles of religious freedom are hotly debated in the public square and the conversation is currently centered upon worldview. And those worldviews cannot be farther apart. One values the fundamental right to live and work according to one’s deeply held...
Two Years
Two years ago, five justices on the U.S. Supreme Court in the Obergefell decision ruled as lawmakers not as judges, redefining marriage legally to extend to two men or two women. Know that our efforts to advocate for religious freedom, privacy rights, and other issues...
CAP’s Letter to the Bisbee City Council
Bisbee City Attorney The City of Bisbee 118 Arizona St. Bisbee, AZ 85603 R.E.: Bisbee does not have authority under Arizona law to authorize civil unions Dear Bisbee City Attorney: I write as a representative of Center for Arizona Policy[1] to express my legal opinion...
How do you respond?
It’s impossible to properly commemorate the loss of 50 million lives to abortion. There is simply no way to capture the grief, confusion, pain, and shock at the reality of so many lost lives, and so many people scarred from the procedure. This week was filled with...
5 Minutes for Families: Gendercide
June 8, 2012 1) Gendercide in Arizona. This week, Live Action released a video showing Arizona abortion clinic workers knowingly arranging sex-selection abortions, in direct violation of Arizona law. In the videos seen here, a Live Action actor informs the abortion...
Get the Facts: Center for Arizona Policy’s Newest Publication Takes On the Difficult Issues Facing the Family
How does abortion harm women? Why does marriage matter? What are the free speech rights of college students? These are a few of the questions answered in Center for Arizona Policy’s latest publication The Policy Pages: A Guide to Family Issues found online at...
Divorce is not the key to a happy – or long – life
Another study has been released on the harms of divorce. This one from the University of Arizona shows that divorced men and women may die earlier than married individuals. "A new review by the University of Arizona of more than 30 published studies found divorced...
Why Protect Marriage: Reaction to New York
This post is a part of our ongoing series discussing the importance of protecting marriage as the union between a man and a woman. Over the weekend, New York's same-sex "marriage" law went into effect. The National Review Online spoke with some of the nation's leading...